Can We Build a Workplace for Everyone?

In their interview with NewsweeksMeredith Wolf Schizer, Harvard gender equity experts Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg discuss the ongoing gender gap and their new book, Glass Half-Broken: Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work.

Workplaces Good for Women are Good for Everyone’

Ammerman and Groysberg argue that “work-life balance” doesn’t just affect women. Today, men are as eager to spend more time with family. Yet work roles are still based on the male-centric structures of decades past. The remedies need to be addressed at every level of the organization — all the way up to the executive suite.

And though we finally have a female Vice President, we shouldn’t imagine that the glass ceiling has been shattered.

“Even women who sit on boards—the highest echelon of the corporate world—experience exclusion and poor treatment. When we as a society get to a point where gender does not hinder women at any level, the remaining shards of the glass ceiling will finally have been swept away.”

Read the whole article here.


Women in the Workforce: A National Emergency