program pillars and timetable


  1. Increased job satisfaction scores by women and overall

  2. Improved recruitment and retention of women

  3. Decrease in harassment and discrimination complaints

  4. Improved public image as an employer of women

  5. Improved Leadership skills

  6. Improved Financial Bottomline results


T for Training - Illustration - Man Pointing with a Pen -Opportunity Ready Mentorship Program


Do your leaders know how to be good mentors — or why it is important to champion their rising stars? Our one-on-one or small group workshops pick up where your DEI and leadership training leave off, with best practices for mentorship, interpersonal communication, giving and receiving feedback and more…

E for Evaluate - illustration Woman Measuring E - Opportunity Ready Mentorship Program


IS IT WORKING? Mentorship programs tend to fizzle out without a clear set of metrics to measure and evaluate. We’ll study your organization’s statistics for female ascension, set specific, realistic goals and track the progress over the 12-18 month review cycle.

A for Assess - Illustration Woman Magnifying A - - Opportunity Ready Mentorship Program


What do your rising female leaders need to advance? And what skills do your prospective mentors need to help them? We’ll collect feedback from participants, HR Leads and other key figures about perceived and real opportunities—and roadblocks— for women in general, and potential mentees, specifically.

M for Match - Illustration - Male Helping Female Up - Opportunity Ready Mentorship Program


Once we’ve Trained the mentors, set up the Evaluation metrics, and Assessed potential mentees/mentors, it’s time to Match! We make it a point to provide highly individualized connections for best outcomes.

Illustrated Figures on Timeline - Opportunity Ready Timetable Mentorship Program


Every organization has a different approach for employee development and inclusion programs. Our goal is to meet you where you are and help your female staff ascend.

The typical adoption looks something like this:

Phase 1: Assessment

Assessment of Employee/Org and Evaluation Lifecycle, survey and in person, ERGs (2 Weeks)

Phase 2: Recommendations

Recommendations and Baseline Review with executive sponsors. Leadership briefing and confirmation of Goals and Objectives. (Week 3)

Phase 3: Announcement

Introduce program to employees. (Week 4)

Phase 4: Launch

Launch the program! Collect applications, train mentors, pair with mentees. (Weeks 5 - 7)

Phase 5: Check-ins

Check ins; spot-trainings. One week in, then quarterly. (Week 8)

Phase 6: Evaluations

With every performance cycle. Tweak and continue! (6 - 12 - 18 months and on-going)

Let’s make sure your rising female leaders are Opportunity Ready