Accelerating Female Leadership through Mentoring

WOC sitting in line of empty chairs - pandemic crisis for women - need for mentorship

Women in the Workforce: A National Emergency

Women were already under-represented in leadership positions. See why the COVID-19 economy has set women back decades.

Smiling young professional WOC - rising female  leader

Mentoring Benefits

Women, Men and

the Bottom Line

Some of America’s most successful women credit mentors who helped them crash through glass ceilings.

“Mentors work like social vaccines.”

—Melinda Gates

Woman with her two male mentors - corporate mentorship program

Foster a Culture of Mentorship in Every Organization

Opportunity Ready is a methodical, robust solution for supporting your female talent and helping them ascend. Our programming is based on these four pillars: (T.E.A.M.)

  • Training

  • Evaluation & Measurement

  • Assessment

  • Matching

Learn More About What We Can Do Together